
The 2014/2015 Yearbook
Packets went home to all the students in their backpacks back in October. If you did not receive a packet you can ask for one in the office.  The packet included:
  • Ordering form
  • Information about submitting pictures of your children in yearbook
  • Information about 5th grade baby photos
  • Interview questions for students to fill out for the yearbook
Deadline to order the Yearbook is April 10, 2015
There are two ways to order. You can pick up an order form in the office and fill it out. Return it to the box on Maria’s desk in the office. Please make out all checks to Lowrie PTA.
The second way you can order a yearbook is by going online to and entering the order # 11709415.
If you have pictures of your child that you would like to submit for the yearbook team to put into the yearbook you can send those pictures to Please be sure to write your students name, grade and teacher on the subject line of your email so we know who’s class to put them into.
The deadline to submit class or event photos to the yearbook team is March 18th 2015!
To all the parents that have already ordered a yearbook by check or cash a receipt will be sent home in your childs backpack in the next few weeks. PLEASE look this receipt over carefully and make sure that your order has been input correctly. If you need to make any changes or an error needs to be corrected you can email Bobbi at Once the yearbook has been submitted to Lifetouch we will no longer be able to make any changes to your order. If you order your yearbook online directly through Lifetouch you will have to contact them directly through the receipt that they email you.